• Email - Gary@isect.com is my preferred means of contact. Email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
  • Message me on Linkedin.
  • SMS - text me any time on +64 2 116 55 33 5.
  • Phone - call me on +64 2 116 55 33 5 during NZ daylight hours, any day. The office clock reads:


From Europe and Africa, please call early or late in your day.
From the Americas, please call after your lunch.
From the Middle East and Asia, please call before your lunch.

  • Wherever possible, I deliver services remotely from beautiful Hawkes Bay, New Zealand in the same efficient, eco-friendly and cost-effective manner as I have for a couple of decades. I use online services such as Meet, Teams, Webex, Zoom and Skype. Save the planet, save time and save money with IsecT!
  • I supply consulting services under a professional services agreement - a contract specifying the key parameters such as objectives, deliverables, timescales and price. There’s no charge for an informal initial email/phone/video-chat to introduce ourselves, find out about your situation, determine what you need and explore how I can help. Let’s get to know each other before we commit to anything. Given the nature of what we do, mutual trust is vital. To make this work for you and me, we need to ‘click’.



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Information risk and
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